Why Should Your Foundry be Interested in ICRI?
This unique foundry service organization provides members with qualified engineers on call as needed to act as a complement to members’ technical staffs, without being a burden on their payroll. The highly qualified ICRI Engineers are on call to provide members with timely technical assistance, in addition to providing a myriad of other technical services described below.
ICRI operates on a dues structure. ICRI Trustees recently voted to change due dues structure of the Institute to a three tier dues structure to allow smaller foundries the opportunity to have access to
the services.
Paid Service Hrs. Yearly Dues Qtrly. Billing Over Hour Charge
Option A 30 Hrs $9,000/Yr. $2,250/Qtr $400/Hr. Over 30 up to 105 Hrs.
Option B 55 Hrs $15,000/Yr. $3,750/Qtr $360/Hr. Over 55 up to 105 Hrs.
Option C 105 Hrs $24,000/Yr. $6,000/Qtr $150/Hr. Over 105 Hrs.
For multiple plants, a member pays 20% of their annual dues for each additional foundry listed. They are entitled to 10 additional hours for each additional plant. When a member exceeds their purchased hours of service within a year, they will be billed the overage rate for their dues option. After 105 hours are used, there is a flat $150/hr. per hour fee.
A group of Member Representatives composed of one Representative per member vote for a Board of Directors to operate the Institute in accordance with an approved code of regulations. The Board meets twice a year to conduct the business of the Institute. They elect traditional officers and an Executive Committee who set policy and guide the direction of the Institute. Member Reps are encouraged to attend these Board meetings.
Travel expenses to member plants are billed for reimbursement as incurred.
Meeting expenses are either collected by a registration fee or for smaller meetings billed at a pro-rata charge after the meeting is completed.
What Services are Available to Members?
The ICRI staff is dedicated to fulfilling the goals set forth by the Board of Trustees. This is done in many ways, some of which are:
- Troubleshooting at member plants on specific member technical and operating problems followed by detailed reports.
- Providing plant operating audits and report.
- Conducting and publishing surveys on appropriate plant operations, processes, raw materials and equipment. Recent examples include the ICRI Melt Operations Survey, Green Sand Survey, Rust Inhibitor Survey, Spectrometer Survey, Shot Blast Survey, and Core Wash Survey.
- Laboratory analysis of casting defects to determine likely cause and probable cure.
- Assisting members as a third party in resolving technical problems with members’ customers.
- Providing fast telephone response to a wide variety of member concerns, often resulting in immediate forwarding of appropriate information from the comprehensive ICRI library and files.
- The staff is available for in-plant visits at member or customer plants on short notice, if necessary.
- Acting as a “clearing house” to suggest appropriate dialog between members who have similar equipment or problems.
- The staff makes no decisions for their members and rarely establishes specific guidelines for member operation. Instead it acts in an advisory capacity with an excellent background and database on the technological operation of each member.
- When desired, the staff works with members on items of a proprietary or confidential nature.
- Organizing and conducting annual meetings of member technical personnel.
- Organizing and conducting meetings on special topics as needed.
- Organizing and conducting biannual meetings of operating personnel in conjunction with a visit to a member foundry.
- Conducting a twice yearly Spectrometer Proficiency testing program which our members participate in at no charge. Non-members can participate for a $650 Yearly fee per spectrometer.
- ICRI holds monthly webinars on foundry topics of interest to our members.
The Institute is centrally located to its membership. The map below shows present member plant locations. The Columbus, Ohio home office locations affords easy access to member plants by car or air.
Map link of ICRI Member Location Cities and Links to WebSites